HOWTO: restore GRUB after XP/Vista install
written by Martin Spa
at Sunday, February 17, 2008
All you have to do is download 'Super Grub Disk' and burn the image to a blank CD. It's about 4MB, and it does it job as it's supposed to.
When you boot it up, the following screen will show up:
Then press Enter, and the following screen will appear:

Now, here is what you can do:
First of the easier options is to select 'GRUB => MBR & !LINUX! AUTO' and then the Live CD will find the overwritten Grub, and give it's options (which it had, the operating systems listed and etc.) and you can select your installed Linux Distribution now. And when you are logged in Your Linux Distribution, you can install the GRUB again, and add in it the newly installed Windows as one of the options in the GRUB.
Second of the easier options is to select 'Super Grub Disk (WITH HELP)' where first you choose your language, then a few lines of explanations first will be shown, and then a list of options will be listed as in the last screenshot posted in this post/HowTo. Cause we want to restore GRUB, we select 'Gnu/Linux' and follow the next steps.

In my case, i had openSUSE 10.3 installed. And I installed Windows SP 2 (need it for college/studying). Then I chose 'GRUB => MBR & !LINUX! AUTO' and I booted in openSUSE, logged in, started YaST, clicked on the BOOT icon, installed GRUB again, and the problem was solved.
February 19, 2008 at 2:20 PM
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